
Kunjungan ke Ruang Rupa (2015)

Vonny along with other University Multimedia Nusantara (UMN) lecturers visited Ruang Rupa and studied multimedia art in the community there. This program is a series of Experimental Art lectures for DKV UMN students. At that time, RURU (Ruang Rupa) was still based in Tebet Dalam, South Jakarta.

Membangun Koleksi Karya Seni yang Baik (8 Desember 2018)
Pembicara Bpk Dr. Wiyu Wahono

Seminars Build a Collection of Good Artwork. This seminar is intended for young collectors, artists, art investors who need direction to build a personal collection of works.

Mr. Wiyu Wahono is a multimedia art collector who is very experienced and conceptual in building his personal artwork. He is a professor in the field of plastic chemical from Germany. Each participant who attends this seminar gets a certificate of attendance in this program.